Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: Child Sexual Abuse:

Types: Sexual Assault:

[Info] Aded, Naura L., et al. Abuso sexual em crian as e adolescentes: revis o de 100 anos de literaturas. Revista de Psiquiatria Cl nica 33 (2006): 204-213.

[Info] Bates, Victoria. Misery Loves Company : Sexual Trauma, Psychoanalysis and the Market for Misery. Journal of Medical Humanities 33 (2012): 61-81.

[Info] Berger, Ernst, et al. Gewalt in Wiener Heimen zwischen 1945 und 1990 eine retrospektive Studie aus psychotraumatologischer Perspektive. neuropsychiatrie 27 (2013): 188-195.

[Info] Blass, Rachel B., et al. The value of the historical perspective to contemporary psychoanalysis: Freud s seduction hypothesis . International Journal of Psychoanalysis 75 (1994): 677-694.

[Info] B hm, Bettina, et al. Child Sexual Abuse in the Context of the Roman Catholic Church: A Review of Literature from 1981-2013. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 23 (2014): 635-656.

[Info] Brown, Paul, et al. Memories of Sexual Abuse: Janet's Critique of Freud, A Balanced Approach. Psychological Reports 82 (1998): 1027-1043.

[Info] Cashmore, Judy, et al. Introduction: Responding to Historical Child Sexual Abuse and the Needs of Survivors. Current Issues in Criminal Justice 26 (2014): 1-4.

[Info] Dressing, Harald, et al. Sexual abuse of minors within the Catholic Church and other institutions: An literature review. neuropsychiatrie (April 12, 2017).

[Info] Ferreira, Mariela, et al. Un cuaderno para ayudarte: Historias de abuso sexual infantil. Montevideo 2010.

[Info] Hardt, Jochen, et al. Kindheit im Wandel. Teil II: Moderne bis heute. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 55 (2006): 280-292.

[Info] Keenan, Marie. Child sexual abuse and the Catholic Church: Gender, Power, and Organizational Culture. Oxford 2012.

[Info] Kent, Stephen A. Religious Justifications for Child Sexual Abuse in Cults and Alternative Religions. International Journal of Cultic Studies 3 (2012): 49-73.

[Info] Middleton, Warwick, et al. Institutional abuse and societal silence: An emerging global problem. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 48 (2014): 22-25.

[Info] Murphy, Ray. An Assessment of UN Efforts to Address Sexual Misconduct by Peacekeeping Personnel. International Peacekeeping 13 (2006): 531-546.

[Info] Murphy, Ray. An Assessment of UN Efforts to Address Sexual Misconduct by Peacekeeping Personnel. Peace Operations and Human Rights. Edited by Ray Murphy et al. London 2008: 75-90.

[Info] O'Donoghue, Thomas. Child-abuse scandals and the Catholic Church: are we asking the right historical questions? History of Education Review 32 (2003): 1-15.

[Info] O’Malley, G. Jeffrey, ed. Abuse Studies in the Humanities. Literature/Film Quarterly 52(2) (2024).

[Info] O’Malley, G. Jeffrey. »A Personal Call for Abuse Studies: A Path Toward Pride, Beauty, and Hope.« Literature/Film Quarterly 52(2) (2024).

[Info] Paternotte, David. The International (Lesbian and) Gay Association and the question of pedophilia: Tracking the demise of gay liberation ideals. Sexualities 17 (2014): 121-138.

[Info] Paternotte, David. The International (Lesbian and) Gay Association and the question of pedophilia: Tracking the demise of gay liberation ideals. Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualit t nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 101-121.

[Info] Salter, Michael. Organised Sexual Abuse. New York 2013.

[Info] Sapucaia, Annie. Organised Sexual Abuse. New Books in Sociology (2014).

[Info] Sk ld, Johanna. Historical Abuse: A Contemporary Issue: Compiling Inquiries into Abuse and Neglect of Children in Out-of-Home Care Worldwide. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 14(S1) (2013): 5-23.

[Info] Sk ld, Johanna, et al., eds. Apologies and the Legacy of Abuse of Children in 'Care': International Perspectives. Basingstoke 2015.

[Info] Smaal, Yorick. Historical Perspectives on Child Sexual Abuse, Part 1. History Compass 11 (2013): 702-714.

[Info] Smaal, Yorick. Historical Perspectives on Child Sexual Abuse, Part 2. History Compass 11 (2013): 715-726.

[Info] Swanston, Heather Y., et al. Further abuse of sexually abused children. Child Abuse & Neglect 26 (2002): 115-127.

[Info] Triplett, Hall. The Misnomer of Freud's "Seduction Theory". Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (2004): 647-665.

[Info] Wolf, Elizabeth K., et al. Psychoanalysis and Child Sexual Abuse: A Review of the Post-Freudian Literature. Psychoanalytic Psychology 8 (1991): 305-327.

[Info] Wright, Katie. Speaking Out: Representations of Childhood and Sexual Abuse in the Media, Memoir and Public Inquiries. Red Feather Journal 7 (2016): 17-30.

[Site] G e n e r a l

[Info] Hoyle, Victoria. »En/Countering Twentieth Century Child Sexual Abuse in the Archives .« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023.

[Site] A f r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Beninese History

[Info] Reuther, Jessica. Viol[ated]: Rape as a Disabling Crime Against Girls in Colonial Dahomey (1936-1938). Critical Juncture Conference. Atlanta 2013.

[Info] Reuther, Jessica. Street Hawking or Street Walking? Petites Vendeuses and Sexual Assault in French West Africa. 129th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. New York 2015.

[Info] Reuther, Jessica. Until I Bathed in the Light of Day : Sexual Assault of Girls as an Intergenerational Trauma in Colonial West Africa. Soul Wounds: Trauma and Healing across Generations. Stanford 2015.

[Info] Reuther, Jessica. »Street Hawking or Street Walking in Dahomey?: Debates about Girls Sexual Assaults in Colonial Tribunals, 1924 41.« The Journal of African History (November 1, 2022): 1-16.

[Site] Cameroonian History

Representations: Literary Texts: Calixthe Beyala (Tu t'appelleras Tanga)

[Site] Ghanaian History

[Site] Liberian History

[Info] Lucas, Emma T. Sexual Abuses as Wartime Crimes against Women and Children: The Case of Liberia. Liberian Studies Journal 22 (1997): 240-260.

[Site] Nigerian History

[Site] South African History

Representations: Literary Texts: Mark Behr (The Smell of Apples)

[Site] Tunisian History

Cases: Real Offenders: Michel Foucault

[Site] Zimbabwean History

Representations: Literary Texts: Yvonne Vera (Under the Tongue)

[Site] A m e r i c an   H i s t o r y

[Site] Argentine History

Representations: Literary Texts: Silvina Ocampo

[Info] Ogden, Julia. Innocent Children and Passive Pederasts: Sodomy, Age of Consent, and the Legal and Juridical Vulnerability of Boys in Buenos Aires, 1853 1912. Law and History Review 37 (2019): 237-274.

[Site] Brazilian History

Representations: Press: Folha de S o Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo

[Info] Arend, Silvia M.F. Rompendo o sil ncio : Viol ncias sexuais, inf ncias e direitos (1989-2000). Outros Tempos No. 29 (2020): 205-220.

[Info] Barbosa, Eduardo M. O incesto, legal ou ilegal: Processos-crimes em Rebou as, Paran (1932-1948). Revista TEL 7 (2016): 58-92.

[Info] Busson, Shayana. Debate sobre mudan as na considera o da inf ncia e adolesc ncia: hist ria, direito e sexualidade. mbito Jur dico 15 (2012).

[Info] Ferreira, Angela R. Viol ncia sexual contra meninas em Ponta Grossa/Paran (1920 a 1940). Nova Hist ria das Mulheres no Paran . Edited by Georgiane G.H. V zquez. Porto Alegre 2020: 218-241.

[Info] Fleck, Eliane C.D., et al. Da agress o assist ncia, da infra o corre o: Menoridade e viol ncia urbana (Porto Alegre, 1890 1920). Sociedade e Estado 20 (2005): 163-194.

[Info] Landini, Tatiana S. Horror, Honra e Direitos: Viol ncia Sexual Contra Crian as e Adolescentes no S culo XX. Ph.D. Thesis, Universidade de S o Paulo, 2005.

[Info] Landini, Tatiana S. Jurists, Police, Doctors, and Psychologists: Discussing Sexual Violence in Twentieth-Century Brazil. Norbert Elias & Empirical Research. New York 2014: 83-110.

[Info] Oliveira Silva, L cia H., et al. Viol ncia na inf ncia: Londrina (1930 - 1970). Tempo e Argumento 1 (2009): 145-161.

[Info] Rodrigues, Andr a da Rocha. A viol ncia sobre os corpos infanto-junvenis na Bahia, entre 1940-1960: O crime de estupro e corrup o de menores. Enla ando 1 (2017).

[Info] Santos, Eduardo M., et al. »Medical science and pedophilia: Knowledge, discourses, and representations of pedophilia in medical books from 1910 to 1990 in a Brazilian public library.« Children and Youth Services Review (March 31, 2024).

[Site] Canadian History

Cases: Fictional Victims: Thelma Barley; Real Incidents: Christian Brothers Cases, Mount Cashel Orphanage Case; Real Victims: Yvonne Johnson, Dereck O'Brien, Florence Richard; Representations: Literary Texts: Camilla Gibb (Mouthing the Words); Types: Child Pornography

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. The Doctrine of Corroboration in Sexual Assault Trials in Early Twentieth-Century Canada and Australia. Queen's Law Journal 26 (2001): 297-338.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. The Doctrine of Corroboration in Sexual Assault Trials in Early Twentieth-Century Canada and Australia. From Subjects to Citizens: A Hundred Years of Citizenship in Australia and Canada. Edited by Pierre Boyer et al. Ottawa 2004: 123-160.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. Sexually Abused Children as Witnesses: Lessons from History. Joint Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law. Berlin 2007.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. Carnal Crimes: Sexual Assault Law in Canada, 1900-1975. Toronto 2008.

[Info] Canadian Centre for Child Protection Inc. The Prevalence of Sexual Abuse by K-12 School Personnel in Canada, 1997 2017. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse (June 12, 2018).

[Info] Chenier, Elise. The Natural Order of Disorder: Paedophilia, Incest and the Normalising Family. Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll: Psychological, Legal and Cultural Examinations of Sex and Sexuality. Edited by Helen Gavin et al. Oxford 2010: 35-44.

[Info] Chenier, Elise. The Natural Order of Disorder: Pedophilia, Stranger Danger and the Normalising Family. Sexuality & Culture 16 (2012): 172-186.

[Info] Connolly, Deborah A., et al. Twenty-Six Years Prosecuting Historic Child Sexual Abuse Cases: Has Anything Changed? Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 23 (2017): 166-177.

[Info] Jacklin, Michael. What I Have Done, What Was Done to Me : Confession and Testimony in Stolen Life: Journey of a Cree Woman. Kunapipi 29 (2007): 19-33.

[Info] O Brien, Dereck. Suffer Little Children: An Autobiography of A Foster Child. St. John s 1991.

[Info] Pyryeskina, Julia. A remarkably dense historical and political juncture : Anita Bryant, The Body Politic, and the Canadian Gay and Lesbian Community in January 1978. Canadian Journal of History 53 (2018): 58-85.

[Info] Redmond, Sheila A. It Can't Be True and If It Is, It's Not Our Fault: An Examination of Roman Catholic Institutional Response to Priestly Paedophilia in the Ottawa Valley. Canadian Society of Church History 1993 Annual Meeting. Ottawa 1993.

[Info] Trothen, Tracy J. Shattering the Illusion: Child Sexual Abuse and Canadian Religious Institutions. Waterloo 2012.

[Site] Chilean History

Cases: Real Incidents: Colonia Dignidad Case

[Info] D az Tejo, Javier. Abusos sexuales de la Iglesia en Chile: Una deuda de la Catequ tica local. Revista de Educaci n Religiosa 2 (2020): 131-155.

[Info] Valenzuela C ceres, Marcelo E. La sodom a en Chile (1875-1928): Una perspectiva desde la criminalidad y la ciencia. Tesis doctoral, Universitat Aut noma de Barcelona, 2019.

[Site] Colombian History

Cases: Real Offenders: Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos

[Site] Costa Rican History

[Info] Rodr guez S enz, Eugenia. V ctimas inocentes/amenazas corruptoras: Ni ez invenci n del crimen juvenil y abuso sexual en Costa Rica (1800-1850 y 1900-1950). Antolog a del pensamiento cr tico costarricense contempor neo. Edited by Montserrat Sagto et al. Buenos Aires 2019: 299-332.

[Site] Guyanese History

Incidents: SOS Children's Villages Sexual Abuse Cases

[Site] Mexican History

[Info] Beck, Evelyn T. Kahlo s World Split Open. Feminist Studies 32 (2006): 54-81.

[Info] Dzul S nchez, Jos M. Abuso sexual infantil y medicina legal en el mbito judicial de Yucat n 1875-1925. Temas Antropol gicos 35 (2012-13): 109-140.

[Info] Sosenski, Susana. Sexual Abuse of Girls in Post-Revolutionary Mexico: Between Legitimation and Punishment. Girlhood Studies 14 (2021): 36-51.

[Info] Trujillo Bret n, Jorge A. Los excesos del deseo. Incontinencia y violencia sexual contra ni os y j venes en Jalisco, 1885-1911. Relaciones 32 (2011): 153-194.

[Info] Vanderwood, Paul J. Juan Soldado: Rapist, Murderer, Martyr, Saint. Durham 2004.

[Site] Peruvian History

[Info] Taipe Campos, N stor G. Los ni os en el conflicto armado. Gazeta de Antropolog a 30 (2014).

[Site] U.S. History

Cases: Real Incidents: Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases; Prosecution: Legislation: Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act, Megan's Law; Cases: Fictional Offenders: Skip, Roger Whipple; Fictional Victims: Ellen James, Rhea Kunkel, Rhoda Kunkel, Peter Parker; Real Incidents: Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases; Real Offenders: Peter E. Garcia, John Geoghan, Mary Kay LeTourneau, Oliver O'Grady; Real Victims: Jaycee Dugard, Ellnora (Elnera) Steinmetz; Society: Institutions: North American Association for Man/Boy Love, Save Our Children; Representations: Comics: A Child s Life and Other Stories, Spiderman and Powerpack; Films: Bastard Out of Carolina, The Color Purple, Lolita (1962), Lolita (1997); Literary Texts: Dorothy Allison (Bastard out of Carolina), John Irving, Toni Morrison (The Bluest Eye), Vladimir Nabokov (Lolita), Joyce Carol Oates (Heat), Jane Smiley, Paula Vogel (How I Learned to Drive); Press: The Boston Globe, Life, Newsweek, People, Providence Journal, Time, US News and World Report; Types: Child Pornography, Child Prostitution

[Info] Abdur-Rahman, Aliyyah. Unchaining Daughter s Body: Refiguring Black Families in the "Postracial" United States. Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association. San Antonio 2010.

[Info] Ajemian, Sam. The Children of God Cult, aka The Family. Published by the author, 2005.

[Info] Angelides, Steven. Historicizing Affect, Psychoanalyzing History: Pedophilia and the Discourse of Child Sexuality. Journal of Homosexuality 46 (2003): 79-109.

[Info] Angelides, Steven. Feminism, Child Sexual Abuse, and the Erasure of Child Sexuality. GLQ 10 (2004): 141-177.

[Info] Ashby, LeRoy. Endangered Children: Dependency, Neglect, and Abuse in American History. New York 1997.

[Info] Balboni, Barbara S. Through the "Lens" of the Organizational Culture Perspective: A Descriptive Study of American Catholic Bishops' Understanding of Clergy Sexual Molestation and Abuse of Children and Adolescents. Ph.D. Thesis, Northeastern University, 1998.

[Info] Barringer, Carol E. The Survivor's Voice: Breaking The Incest Taboo. NWSA Journal 4 (1992): 4-22.

[Info] Brouillette, Christen H. The Sexual Psychopath: Masculinity, Gender Variance, and Paranoia in the Twentieth Century. M.A. Thesis, Wichita State University, 2024.

[Info] Cassisa, Susanna L. Groomer Rumor: The Trope of the Queer Child Predator in German and American Popular Media (1869-2024). M.A. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2024.

[Info] Cheit, Ross E. The Legend of Robert Halsey. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 9 (2001): 37-52.

[Info] Cheit, Ross E. The Witch-Hunt Narrative: Politics, Psychology, and the Sexual Abuse of Children. Oxford 2014.

[Info] Cheit, Ross. The Witch-Hunt Narrative: Politics, Psychology, and the Sexual Abuse of Children. 30th Annual University of Wisconsin-Madison Conference on Child Sexual Abuse. Madison 2014.

[Info] Cheit, Ross. The Witch-Hunt Narrative: Politics, Psychology, and the Sexual Abuse of Children. 29th San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment. San Diego 2015.

[Info] Cheit, Ross E., et al. Magazine Coverage of Child Sexual Abuse, 1992 2004. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 19 (2010): 99-117.

[Info] Chenier, Elise. The Natural Order of Disorder: Paedophilia, Incest and the Normalising Family. Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll: Psychological, Legal and Cultural Examinations of Sex and Sexuality. Edited by Helen Gavin et al. Oxford 2010: 35-44.

[Info] Chenier, Elise. The Natural Order of Disorder: Pedophilia, Stranger Danger and the Normalising Family. Sexuality & Culture 16 (2012): 172-186.

[Info] Churchwell, Sarah. 'Be a Good Girl': The Violation of Marilyn Monroe. Women Writing Rape: Literary and Theoretical Narratives of Sexual Violence. Warwick 2007.

[Info] Collings, Steven J. See No Evil, Hear No Evil: The Rise and Fall of Child Sexual Abuse in the 20th Century. Psychology in Society No. 38 (2009): 61-73.

[Info] D'Antonio, Michael. Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, and the Era of Catholic Scandal. New York 2013.

[Info] Davis, Jack E. The Lynching of Jesse James Payne. Annual Meeting of the Florida Historical Society. 1990.

[Info] De Orio, Scott. The Invention of the Boy Molester and the Expansion of the Carceral State. 110th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. New Orleans 2017.

[Info] Dinnerstein, Leonard. Leo Frank Case. New Georgia Encyclopedia. Edited by John C. Inscoe. Atlanta 2006.

[Info] Doan, Carrie. Child Sexual Abuse as Gendered Violence: A Critique of Media Coverage of Child Sexual Abuse in the US and Britain. Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association. Chicago 2010.

[Info] Dodd, Jenifer. “Compulsive Rapism”: Psychiatric Approaches to Sexual Violence in the 1980s. Ph.D. Thesis, Vanderbilt University, 2016.

[Info] Fisher, Mark. The Master. A charismatic teacher enthralled his students. Was he abusing them? New Yorker (April 1, 2013).

[Info] Frawley-O'Dea, Mary G. The History and Consequences of the Sexual-Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 5 (2004): 11-30.

[Info] Geimer, Samantha. La Fille: Ma vie dans l'ombre de Roman Polanski. Paris 2013.

[Info] Geimer, Samantha. The Girl: A Life in the Shadow of Roman Polanski. London 2013.

[Info] Geimer, Samantha. The Girl. Mein Leben im Schatten von Roman Polanski. Z rich 2013.

[Info] Gordon, Linda, et al. Incest as a Form of Family Violence: Evidence from Historical Case Records. Journal of Marriage and the Family 46 (1984): 27-34.

[Info] Gordon, Linda. Incest and Rsistance: Patterns of Father-Daughter Incest, 1880-1930. Social Problems 33 (1986): 253-267.

[Info] Gordon, Linda. The Politics of Child Sex Abuse. Against the Current No. 19 (1989).

[Info] Greenlee-Donnell, Cynthia. "A White Man Has Got Hattie": Black Families, Child Rape, and Law in South Carolina, 1885-1905. 104th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Milwaukee 2012.

[Info] Isely, Paul J. Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church: An Historical and Contemporary Review. Pastoral Psychology 45 (1997): 277-299.

[Info] Jones, Ruth. The Extrajudicial Resolution of Sexual Abuse Cases: Can the Church be a Resource for Survivors? Suffolk University Law Review 38 (2005): 351-366.

[Info] Leon, Chrysanthi S. Sex Fiends, Perverts, and Pedophiles: Understanding Sex Crime Policy in America. New York 2011.

[Info] Lorenz, Katherine, et al. »An Examination of Unfounded, Cleared, and Exceptionally Cleared Sexual Assault Case Outcomes from 1999-2014.« 75th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Lucier-Greer, Mallory, et al. »Trends in the Annual Incidence Rates of Child Sexual Abuse and Child Maltreatment over the Past 25 Years in the United States.« Child Abuse Review (April 3, 2024).

[Info] McCoy, Gloyd. Tent Number Eight: An Investigation of the Girl Scout Murders & the Trial of Gene Leroy Hart. Mustang 2011.

[Info] McGuigan, William M., et al. A Single-Case Study of Resiliency After Extreme Incest in an Old Order Amish Family. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 24 (2015): 526-537.

[Info] Menard, Kim S., et al. »Context and Time Matter: A Multi-Year (1999-2014). Multi-Data Set Analysis of Child Sexual Abuse Case Processing from Pennsylvania Counties.« 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta 2018.

[Info] Michals, Debra, chair. »Silencing and Erasure in North America: Comparative Histories of Violence against Women and Children, 19th–21st Century.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024.

[Info] Morgan, C.M. Altar(ed) Girl: One Woman's True Story of Confronting Clergy Sexual Abuse. Bloomington 2014.

[Info] Nesteruk, P. Referentiality and transgression. Representations of incest and child sexual abuse in American literature of the twentieth century. Dissertation, University of Nottingham, 1994.

[Info] O'Sullivan, Catherine. The Mary Kay LeTourneau Story: All-American Girl: The Denial of Female Sexual Abuse in a Made for TV Movie. Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Conference, School of Politics, Queen's University. Belfast 2001.

[Info] O'Sullivan, Catherine. Madonna and Whore: The Perplexing Media and Legal Response to a Female Child Molester. Figures of Law: Studies in the Interference of Law and Literature. Cork 2005.

[Info] O Sullivan, Catherine. Madonna and Whore: The Perplexing Media and Legal Response to a Female Child Molester. Figures of law. Studies in the interference of law and literature. Edited by Gert Hofmann. T bingen 2007.

[Info] O Sullivan, Catherine. Wie eine Sexualstraft terin als Opfer dargestellt wurde. Der Fall der Mary Kay LeTourneau. T terinnen und/oder Opfer? Frauen in Gewaltstrukturen. Edited by Christine K nzel et al. M nster 2007: 175-197.

[Info] Odem, Mary E. Delinquent Daughters: Protecting and Policing Adolescent Female Sexuality in the United States, 1885-1920. Chapel Hill 1995.

[Info] Olafson, Erna, et al. Modern History of Child Sexual Abuse Awareness: Cycles of Discovery and Suppression. Child Abuse & Neglect 17 (1993): 7-24.

[Info] Olafson, Erna. When Paradigms Collide: Roland Summit and the Rediscovery of Child Sexual Abuse. Critical Issues in Child Sexual Abuse: Historical, Legal, and Psychological Perspectives. Edited by Jon R. Conte. London 2002: 71-106.

[Info] Ring, Sin ad. Due process and the admission of expert evidence on recovered memory in historic child sexual abuse cases: Lessons from America. The International Journal of Evidence & Proof 16 (2012): 66-92.

[Info] Rodi-Risberg, Marinella. Trauma and its resolution in Jane Smiley's novel A Thousand Acres. Reconstructing Pain and Joy: Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Perspectives. Edited by Chryssoula Lascaratou et al. Newcastle 2008: 195-208.

[Info] Rodi-Risberg, Marinella. Writing Trauma, Writing Time and Space: Jane Smiley's A Thousand Acres and the Lear Group of Father-Daughter Incest Narratives. Vaasa 2010.

[Info] Rodi-Risberg, Marinella. Incest Trauma and Survival in Patricia Chao s Monkey King. Studies in the Novel 47 (2015): 80-98.

[Info] Rogers, Keneth. Heroes, Villains & Healing: A Guide for Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Using Marvel Comic Superheroes, and Villains. Miami 2024.

[Info] Saunders, Edward. Celebrity, Scriptedness and Alleged Sexual Violence in Ghost-Written Autobiographies by Julian Assange and Samantha Geimer. European Journal of Life Writing 4 (2015): VC85-VC107.

[Info] Schwarz, Florian. 50 Jahre Dr. Hans Matth i. Die Darstellung sexueller Gewalt gegen Kinder im kommerziellen Kino. Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 208-224.

[Info] Shavit, Yael, et al. Television Newsmagazine Coverage of Child Sexual Abuse: 1990-2005. Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism 4 (2014).

[Info] Sullivan, Amy C. 'What fear is like': The Legacy of Trauma, Safety, and Security after the 1977 Girl Scout Murders. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2013.

[Info] Trickett, Penelope K. Child Abuse: Sexual. Violence in America: An Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. Edited by Ronald Gottesman. New York 1999: 223-226.

[Info] Valente, Sharon. Child Abuse: Ritual. Violence in America: An Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. Edited by Ronald Gottesman. New York 1999: 222-223.

[Info] Weatherred, Jane L. Child Sexual Abuse and the Media: A Literature Review. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 24 (2015): 16-34.

[Info] Whittier, Nancy. The Politics of Child Sexual Abuse: Emotion, Social Movements, and the State. Oxford 2009.

[Info] Whittier, Nancy. Frenemies: Feminists, Conservatives, and Sexual Violence. Oxford 2018.

[Info] Worrell, Marcia L. The Discursive Construction of Child Sexual Abuse. Ph.D. Thesis, Open University, 1999.

[Info] Wyatt, Caroline, et al. Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Sexual Abuse. The Report (July 23, 2015).

[Info] Zgoba, Kristen M. Sex Crimes. The Encyclopedia of Theoretical Criminology. Edited by J. Mitchell Miller. Hoboken 2014.

[Site] A s i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Afghan History

Cases: Fictional Offenders: Assef; Fictional Victims: Hassan; Representations: Literary Texts: Khaled Hosseini

[Site] Burmese History

Cases: Real Offenders: Captain McCormick; Real Victims: Ainah

[Site] Indian History

Representations: Literary Texts: Mahesh Dattani, Dina Mehta

[Info] Prakash, Surya. Incestuous Relations in Silence! The Court is in Session and Thirty Days has September: A Comparative Study. Language in India 15 (2015): 298-316.

[Site] Japanese History

Cases: Real Victims: Yumiko Nagayama

[Site] Pakistani History

[Info] Jabeen, Tahira. Child Protection Data: An analysis of Newspapers Coverage of child protection issues in Pakistan. South Asian Studies 29 (2014): 123-135.

[Site] Palestinian History

[Site] Tajik History

[Info] Haarr, Robin. Violence and Exploitation of Children in Tajikistan. Central Asian Survey 24 (2005): 131-149.

[Site] Thai History

[Site] E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] General

[Info] Ahbel-Rappe, Karin. "I no Longer Believe": Did Freud Abandon the Seduction Theory? Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 54 (2006): 171-199.

[Info] Arveiller, Jacques. P dophilie et psychiatrie. R peres historiques. volution psychiatrique 63 (1998): 11-34.

[Info] Busson, Shayana. Debate sobre mudan as na considera o da inf ncia e adolesc ncia: hist ria, direito e sexualidade. mbito Jur dico 15 (2012).

[Info] Collings, Steven J. See No Evil, Hear No Evil: The Rise and Fall of Child Sexual Abuse in the 20th Century. Psychology in Society No. 38 (2009): 61-73.

[Info] Forrester, John. Rape, Seduction and Psychoanalysis. Rape: An Historical and Social Enquiry. Edited by Sylvana Tomaselli et al. Oxford 1986: 57-83.

[Info] Isra ls, Han, et al. The seduction theory. History of Psychiatry 4 (1993): 23-59.

[Info] Izenberg, Gerald N. Seduced and abandoned: The rise and fall of Freud's seduction theory. The Cambridge Companion to Freud. Edited by Jerome Neu. Cambridge 1991: 25-43.

[Info] Olafson, Erna, et al. Modern History of Child Sexual Abuse Awareness: Cycles of Discovery and Suppression. Child Abuse & Neglect 17 (1993): 7-24.

[Site] Austrian History

Cases: Real Offenders: Josef Fritzl; Real Victims: Elisabeth Fritzl; Representations: Literary Texts: Ingeborg Bachmann (Malina)

[Info] Berger, Ernst, et al. Gewalt in Wiener Heimen zwischen 1945 und 1990 eine retrospektive Studie aus psychotraumatologischer Perspektive. neuropsychiatrie 27 (2013): 188-195.

[Info] Czipke, Gertrude Die Schreibmaschinent terInnen : Die Wiener Jugendf rsorge in den Jahren 1945 bis 1970 und ihr Beitrag zur Durchsetzung einer gegen M dchen, Frauen, uneheliche M tter und deren Kinder gerichteten Geschlechterordnung. Diplomarbeit, Universit t Wien, 2013.

[Info] Elezovic, Alma, et al. Heilp dagogische Diagnostik: Zur wissenschaftlichen Stigmatisierung von Kindern und Jugendlichen, die an den Folgen von sexualisierter Gewalt litten. Erziehungswissenschaft 28 (2017): 63-73.

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[Site] Belgian History

[Site] Danish History

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[Site] English History

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[Site] Estonian History

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[Site] French History

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[Info] Rei , Sven. P derastie in der deutschen Jugendbewegung: Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Ann herung. Zeitschrift f r P dagogik 62 (2016): 670-683.

[Info] Richter, Johannes. P dophilie: Anfragen an die geschichtspolitische Funktion eines prominenten Deutungsmusters. Geschichtspolitik und Soziale Arbeit: Interdisziplin re Perspektiven. Edited by Johannes Richter. Wiesbaden 2017: 197-219.

[Info] Sager, Christin. ENTSETZLICH, was die Kinder heute schon alles wissen d rfen. Kindliche Sexualit t, Sexualerziehung und sexualisierte Gewalt um 1968. Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualit t nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 218-231.

[Info] Siegfried, Detlef. Grenzen der Freiheit: Ernest Bornemann und die Sexualit t von Kindern. Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualit t nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 200-217.

[Info] Spr ber, Nina, et al. Child sexual abuse in religiously affiliated and secular institutions: a retrospective descriptive analysis of data provided by victims in a government-sponsored reappraisal program in Germany. BMC Public Health 14 (March 27, 2014).

[Info] Trittel, Katharina, et al. St ck f r St ck holen wir uns unsere Kindheit zur ck! Antip dagogik und Paradoxien des Erziehungsdiskurses. Die Gr nen und die P dosexualit t: Eine bundesdeutsche Geschichte. Edited by Franz Walter et al. G ttingen 2015: 85-107.

[Info] Unabh ngige Kommission zur Aufarbeitung sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs, ed. Geschichten, die z hlen. Vol. I: Fallstudien zu sexuellem Kindesmissbrauch in der evangelischen und katholischen Kirche und in der DDR. Wiesbaden 2020.

[Info] Walter, Franz. Die Gr nen und die Last des Libert ren: Ausblick. Die Gr nen und die P dosexualit t: Eine bundesdeutsche Geschichte. Edited by Franz Walter et al. G ttingen 2015: 252-270.

[Info] Walter, Franz, et al., eds. Die Gr nen und die P dosexualit t: Eine bundesdeutsche Geschichte. G ttingen 2015.

[Info] Walter, Franz. In dubio pro libertate : Sexualstrafrecht im gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Die Gr nen und die P dosexualit t: Eine bundesdeutsche Geschichte. Edited by Franz Walter et al. G ttingen 2015: 108-135.

[Info] Wazlawik, Martin, et al. Aufarbeitung sexueller Gewalt in Institutionen des Aufwachsens: Herausforderungen erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung und Positionierung. Einf hrung in den Thementeil. Zeitschrift f r P dagogik 62 (2016): 619-623.

[Info] Wetzels, Peter G., et al. Child sexual abuse in Germany: Changes between 1992 and 2011. Results of national representative surveys. 70th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2014.

[Info] Willekens, Harry. Der rechtliche Umgang mit der Sexualit t von Jugendlichen und Kindern: Widerspr chliche Entwicklungen. Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualit t nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 123-136.

[Info] Wolffram, Heather. Children s Lies : The Weimar Press as Psychological Expert in Child Sex Abuse Trials. Crime and the Construction of Forensic Objectivity from 1850. Edited by Alison Adam. Cham 2020: 257-278.

[Info] Wustmann, Cornelia, et al. Fallstudie Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch in Familien in der DDR: Fallstudie zu den Anh rungen und Dokumenten der Aufarbeitungskommission. Geschichten, die z hlen. Vol. 1. Edited by Unabh ngige Kommission zur Aufarbeitung sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs. Wiesbaden 2020: 239-271.

[Site] Irish History

Cases: Real Offenders: Se n Fortune, Nora Wall; Real Victims: Regina Walsh; Representation: Press: Honestry; Representations: Radio: What the Bishops Knew

[Info] Cantueso Urbano, Elena, et al. Representing Dissenting Voices in the Digital Press: Victims of Sexual and Physical Abuses in Irish Industrial Schools. Verbeia 7 (2021): 58-77.

[Info] Earner-Byrne, Lindsey. Child Sexual Abuse, History and the Pursuit of Blame in Modern Ireland. Exhuming Passions: The Pressure of the Past in Ireland and Australia. Edited by Katie Holmes et al. Dublin 2011: 51-70.

[Info] Earner-Byrne, Lindsey. Grappling with the Trauma of Child Sexual Abuse: History and the Pursuit of Blame in Modern Ireland. Childhood in Irish Society: An Interdisciplinary Conference. Dublin 2011.

[Info] Earner-Byrne, Lindsey. Child Sexual Abuse, History and the Pursuit of Blame in Modern Ireland. Exhuming Passions: The Pressure of the Past in Ireland and Australia. Edited by Katie Holmes et al. Perth 2012: 51-70.

[Info] Finnane, Mark. The ends of silence: Child abuse, church and government in Ireland and Australia. 20th Australasian Conference for Irish Studies. Sydney 2013.

[Info] Hart, Anthony, et al. Report of the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry. Belfast 2017.

[Info] Jaime de Pablos, Maria E. Child Sexual Abuse and Traumatic Identity in Down by the River by Edna O'Brien. Identities on the Move: Contemporary Representations of New Sexualities and Gender Identities. Edited by Silvia Pilar Castro Borrego et al. London 2015: 53- .

[Info] Keating, Anthony. Church, State, and Sexual Crime against Children in Ireland after 1922. Radharc 5-7 (2004-06): 155-180.

[Info] Keating, Anthony. Secrets and Lies: The sexual abuse of children in Irish institutions 1922-1971. Public Events Lecture Series at the Glucksman Ireland House. New York 2005.

[Info] Keating, Anthony. The Ideology and Mechanics of Ignorance: Child Abuse in Ireland 1922-1973. Agnosis, Power and Harm Symposium. Ormskirk 2016.

[Info] Kenny, Colum. Significant Television: Journalism, Sex Abuse and the Catholic Church in Ireland. Irish Communications Review 11 (2009): 63-76.

[Info] O Connor, Alison. A Message from Heaven: The Life and Crimes of Father Sean Fortune. Dublin 2000.

[Info] O Doherty, Iseult. Stolen Childhood: Testimonies of the Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. Dublin 1998.

[Info] O'Sullivan, Catherine. The Nun, the Rape Charge, and the Miscarriage of Justice: The Case of Nora Wall. Law and Literature Association of Australia Conference. Melbourne 2006.

[Info] O Sullivan, Eoin. "this otherwise delicate subject": Child Sex Abuse in early Twentieth-Century Ireland. Criminal Justice in Ireland. Edited by Paul O Mahony. Dublin 2002: 176-201.

[Info] Pogatchnik, Shawn. Thousands were raped in Irish reform schools. The Independent (October 23, 2009).

[Info] Ring, Sin ad. Analysing Fairness in Context in Historic Child Sexual Abuse Prohibition Applications. Irish Criminal Law Journal 23 (2013): 132-140.

[Info] Ring, Sin ad. Trauma and the Construction of Suffering in Irish Historical Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutions. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 6 (2017): 88-103.

[Info] Ring, Sin ad. The Victim of Historical Child Sexual Abuse in the Irish Courts 1999 2006. Social & Legal Studies 26 (2017): 562-580.

[Info] Ring, Sin ad. 'Our most precious possession of all': The survivor of non-recent childhood sexual abuse as the ideal victim? Revisiting the 'Ideal Victim': Developments in Critical Victimology. Edited by Marian Duggan. Bristol 2018.

[Info] Ring, Sin ad. On delay and duration: Law s temporal orders in historical child sexual abuse cases. Law and Time. Edited by Si n Beynon-Jones et al. London 2019.

[Info] Sk ld, Johanna. The truth about abuse? A comparative approach to inquiry narratives on historical institutional child abuse. History of Education 45 (2016): 492-509.

[Info] Valente, Joseph, et al. The Child Sex Scandal and Modern Irish Literature: Writing the Unspeakable. Bloomington 2020.

[Site] Italian History

Cases: Real Offenders: Alessandro Serenelli; Cases: Real Victims: Maria Goretti

[Info] Ceccarelli, Giulia, et al. La violenza sessuale sui minorenni: Indagine sulle denunce pervenute alle procura della repubblica presso il tribunale per i minorenni di Perugia dal 1991 al 2006. Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia 3 (2009): 296-307.

[Info] Guarnieri, Patrizia. »L'incesto scandaloso: Legge e mentalità nell'Italia unita.« Passato e Presente No. 58 (2003): 45-68.

[Info] Pelizzari, Maria R. »A big bad wolf in sheep's clothing: Case studies of accounts of sexual abuse from trials taking place during the early 1900s.« La Camera blu No. 11 (2015).

[Site] Polish History

[Info] Wood, Nathaniel D. Sex Scandals, Sexual Violence and the Word on the Street: The Kolas wna Lustmord in Cracow's Popular Press, 1905-1906. Journal of the History of Sexuality 20 (2011): 243-269.

[Site] Portuguese History

Cases: Real Incidents: Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases

[Site] Russian History

[Info] Oberl nder, Alexandra. Unerh rte Subjekte: Die Wahrnehmung sexueller Gewalt in Russland 1880-1910. Frankfurt/Main 2013.

[Info] Shelshakova, Natalia N. Vandalism in castles, Tentors and the enhanced core of the historical Russian city. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers 12 (2021): 123-131.

[Site] Scottish History

[Info] Heren, Louise. 'An ugly epoch': Male sexual violence in interwar Scotland, 1918-1930. Ph.D. Thesis, St Andrews University, 2020.

[Info] Heren, Louise. Sex and Violence in 1920s Scotland: Incest, Rape, Lewd and Libidinous Practices, 1918-1930 London 2023.

[Site] Spanish History

Cases: Real Incidents: Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases; Representations: Films: La mala educación; Literary Texts: Susana March Alcal , Ana María Moix

[Info] Rashid, Faisal, et al. »Clerical Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church in Spain: A Contemporary or Historical Phenomenon?« Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 23 (Fall 2022): 227-237.

[Site] Swedish History

Representations: Films: Thriller en grym film

[Info] Bergenheim, sa. vergrepp, nskningar eller fantasier: Id historiskar reflexioner kring synen p sexuella vergrepp mot barn. Kritisk psykologi (1994).

[Info] Bergenheim, sa. vergrepp, nskningar eller fantasier: Synen p incest och sexuella vergrepp mot barn ur ett id historiskt perspektiv. Id historia i norr: Rapport fr n en konferens 1996 med id historiker fr n Ule borg och Ume . Edited by Bosse Sundin. Ume 1998.

[Info] Bergenheim, sa. Crime, Victim and Perpetrator: The Attitude to Sexual Assault Against Children,1850-1910. Sex, State and Society: Comparative Perspectives on the History of Sexuality. Edited by Lars-G ran Tedebrand. S dert lje 2000: 353-374.

[Info] Bergenheim, sa. Sexual assault, irresistible impulses, and forensic psychiatry in Sweden. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 27 (2014): 99-108.

[Info] Beverlöv. Linda. Genusroll eller föräldraroll? – En rättshistorisk analys av synen på kön och föräldrar som förövare av misshandel mot barn i lagstiftning och domar från perioden 1900–2020. Examensarbete, Uppdala Universitet, 2024.

[Info] Clementsson, Bonnie. F rbjudna f rbindelser: F rest llningar kring incest och incestf rbud i Sverige 1680 1940. Malm 2016.

[Info] Clementsson, Bonnie. Incest in Sweden, 1680-1940: A history of forbidden relations. Lund 2020.

[Info] Ericsson, Kjersti. N r b de offer og overgriper er barn: Historier fra v r n re fortid (og n tid?). Sosiologi i dag 43 (2013): 45-68.

[Info] Nilsson, Gabriella. Incestdebatten i Sverige 1982 96. Sosiologi i dag 43 (2013): 15-44.

[Info] Saunders, Edward. Celebrity, Scriptedness and Alleged Sexual Violence in Ghost-Written Autobiographies by Julian Assange and Samantha Geimer. European Journal of Life Writing 4 (2015): VC85-VC107.

[Info] Sk ld, Johanna, et al. Conflicting or Complementing Narratives? Interviewees' Stories Compared to their Documentary Records in the Swedish Inquiry on Child Abuse and Neglect in Institutions and Foster Homes. Archives and Manuscripts 40 (2012): 15-28.

[Info] Sk ld, Johanna. The truth about abuse? A comparative approach to inquiry narratives on historical institutional child abuse. History of Education 45 (2016): 492-509.

[Site] Swiss History

Cases: Real Incidents: Anstalt Aarburg Case, Kinderheim St. Iddazell Case; Real Victims: Greta; Representations: Films: Es geschah am hellichten Tag

[Info] Abraham, Andrea. »Verstummen, verstecken, entfliehen: Gewalterzählungen von Nachkommen biografisch belasteter Eltern.« Von Generation zu Generation: Wie biografische Brüche in Familien weiterwirken. Edited by Andrea Abraham. Baden-Baden 2023: 123-153.

[Info] Akermann, Martina, et al. Bericht Kinderheime im Kanton Luzern im Zeitraum von 1930-1970. Luzern 2012.

[Info] Klein, Stephanie. Gewalt und sexueller Missbrauch in kirchlich gef hrten Kinderheimen: Eine Analyse von fortwirkenden Strukturen von Macht und Gewalt in der Kirche. Hinter Mauern: F rsorge und Gewalt in kirchlich gef hrten Erziehungsanstalten im Kanton Luzern. Edited by Markus Ries et al. Zurich 2013: 301-338.

[Info] K ng, Magnus, et al. Ingenbohler Schwestern in Kinderheimen: Erziehungspraxis und institutionelle Bedingungen unter besonderer Ber cksichtigung von Rathausen und Hohenrain. Ingenbohl 2013.

[Site] Vatican History

[Info] Tapsell, Kieran J. Potiphar's Wife: The Vatican's Secret and Child Sexual Abuse. Hindmarsh 2014.

[Site] Welsh History

Cases: Real Incidents: Anglican Communion Sexual Abuse Cases; Representations: Literary Texts: Rachel Trezise

[Info] Beecher, Ruth. »Children, Sexual Abuse and the Emotions of the Community Health Practitioner in England and Wales, 1970-2000.« Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 20 (May 9, 2023).

[Info] Bingham, Adrian, et al. Historical child sexual abuse in England and Wales: The role of historians. History of Education 45 (2016): 411-429.

[Info] Degli Esposti, Michelle, et al. Long-term trends in child maltreatment in England and Wales, 1858-2016: An observational, time-series analysis. The Lancet Public Health 4 (2019): e148-158.

[Info] Jackson, Louise. Child sexual abuse in England and Wales: Prosecution and prevalence 1918-1970. History & Policy (June 18, 2015).

[Info] Jarman, Ben, et al. A Poor Prospect Indeed : The State s Disavowal of Child Abuse Victims in Youth Custody, 1960 1990. Societies 9 (2019).

[Site] O c e a n i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Australian History

[Info] Angelides, Steven. Historicizing Affect, Psychoanalyzing History: Pedophilia and the Discourse of Child Sexuality. Journal of Homosexuality 46 (2003): 79-109.

[Info] Angelides, Steven. The Emergence of the Paedophile in the Late Twentieth Century. Australian Historical Studies 36 (2005): 272-295.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. The Doctrine of Corroboration in Sexual Assault Trials in Early Twentieth-Century Canada and Australia. Queen's Law Journal 26 (2001): 297-338.

[Info] Backhouse, Constance. The Doctrine of Corroboration in Sexual Assault Trials in Early Twentieth-Century Canada and Australia. From Subjects to Citizens: A Hundred Years of Citizenship in Australia and Canada. Edited by Pierre Boyer et al. Ottawa 2004: 123-160.

[Info] Boxall, Hayley, et al. Historical review of sexual offence and child sexual abuse legislation in Australia: 1788-2013. Canberra 2014.

[Info] Cashmore, Judy, et al. Trends in prosecutions for child sexual abuse in South Australia 1992-2012. Adelaide Law Review 39 (2018): 99-123.

[Info] Davis, Fiona. I Fought. I Screamed. I Bit : The Assertion of Rights Within Historic Abuse Inquiry Transcripts. Journal of Australian Studies 42 (2018): 217-230.

[Info] Death, Jodi. Identity, Forgiveness and Power in the Management of Child Sexual Abuse by Personnel in Christian Institutions International Journal for Crime and Justice 2 (2013): 82-97.

[Info] Death, Jodi. "They Did Not Believe Me": Adult Survivors Perspectives of Child Sexual Abuse by Personnel in Christian Institutions. Brisbane 2013.

[Info] Death, Jodi. Bad Apples, Bad Barrel: Exploring Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse by Catholic Clergy in Australia. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 4 (2015): 94-110.

[Info] Featherstone, Lisa, et al. Hierarchies of Harm and Violence: Historicising Familial Sexual Violence in Australia. Australian Feminist Studies 29 (2014): 306-324.

[Info] Featherstone, Lisa. Children in a Terrible State : Understandings of Trauma and Child Sexual Assault in 1970s and 1980s Australia. Journal of Australian Studies 42 (2018): 164-176.

[Info] Featherstone, Lisa. Look the Other Way: Dealing with Child Sexual Abuse Outside of Institutions in 1980s Australia. Australian Historical Studies 49 (2018): 290-306.

[Info] Finnane, Mark. The ends of silence: Child abuse, church and government in Ireland and Australia. 20th Australasian Conference for Irish Studies. Sydney 2013.

[Info] Foote, Wendy L. Child Sexual Abuse Allegations in the Family Court. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sydney, 2006.

[Info] Ford, Carol. Stuart Case. The Oxford Companion to Australian History. Edited by Graeme Davison et al. Oxford 1998.

[Info] Golding, Frank. Sexual Abuse as the Core Transgression of Childhood Innocence: Unintended Consequences for Care Leavers. Journal of Australian Studies 42 (2018): 191-203.

[Info] Haskins, Victoria. A better chance'? Sexual abuse and the apprenticeship of Aboriginal girls under the NSW Aborigines Protection Board. Aboriginal History 28 (2004): 33-58.

[Info] Mathews, Ben. Mandatory reporting laws for child sexual abuse in Australia: A legislative history. Report for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Sydney 2014.

[Info] Mathews, Ben, et al. Reports of child sexual abuse of boys and girls: Longitudinal trends over a 20-year period in Victoria, Australia. Child Abuse & Neglect 66 (2017): 9-22.

[Info] McPhillips, Kathleen. Soul Murder : Investigating Spiritual Trauma at the Royal Commission. Journal of Australian Studies. 42 (2018): 231-242.

[Info] Middleton, Warwick, et al. The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 48 (2014): 17-21.

[Info] Smaal, Yorick. Boys and Homosex: Danger and Possibility in Queensland, 1890 1914. Children, Childhood and Youth in the British World. Edited by Shirleene Robinson et al. Houndmills 2016: 221-236.

[Info] Swain, Shurlee. History of Australian inquiries reviewing institutions providing care for children. Sydney 2014.

[Info] Swain, Shurlee. History of child protection legislation. Sydney 2014.

[Info] Swain, Shurlee. Institutional Abuse: A Long History. Journal of Australian Studies 42 (2018): 153-163.

[Info] Wright, Katie. Challenging Institutional Denial: Psychological Discourse, Therapeutic Culture and Public Inquiries. Journal of Australian Studies 42 (2018): 177-190.

[Info] Wright, Katie, et al. Speaking the Unspeakable, Naming the Unnameable: The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Journal of Australian Studies 42 (2018): 139-152.

[Site] New Zealand History

Cases: Real Incidents: Christian Brothers Cases; Real Offenders: William Denning, Horace Martin; Real Victims: Bella M., Bertie T.